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Now that all the preparation work is done, you can start developing your plugin.

Step 1. Create a plugin template

Create a plugin template and configure its settings which will be displayed in the DocSpace plugin settings:

  1. To create a plugin template, open the terminal and run the following npx command:

    npx create-docspace-plugin

    If the npx command is not avaibale, install the @onlyoffice/docspace-plugin-sdk npm package globally using the following command:

    npm i -g @onlyoffice/docspace-plugin-sdk
  2. Configure the plugin in the terminal by specifying settings in the dialog. All the settings are described here.

    For the speech-to-text plugin, you can use the following values:

    Dialog questionValue
    Plugin namespeech-to-text
    Plugin version1.0.0
    Plugin authorONLYOFFICE
    Plugin logologo.png
    Plugin descriptionSpeech to Text Conversion is a speech recognition software that allows you to recognize and translate spoken speech into text.
    Plugin licenseApache-2.0
    Plugin homepage
    Select scopes (Press <space> to select, Enter when finished)API, Settings, Context menu

    Speech template

    A folder with the plugin template will be placed at the path where you executed the command.

    Speech template location

    You can change all the specified parameters later in the package.json file.

    You can also create a plugin in any project by adding the @onlyoffice/docspace-plugin-sdk npm package as a dependency and specifying all the necessary fields in the package.json file.

Step 2. Configure the plugin entry point

The index.ts plugin entry point will be created automatically in the src folder during the template creation step. This file is required.

This file contains all the basic methods of the plugin types that you selected in the previous step. You can change this file at any time.

If you create a plugin yourself, without a template, for the plugin entry point, you can use the code from our ready-made plugin samples. It will work perfectly.

Step 3. Add plugin icons

Create the assets folder in the root plugin folder and add there all the plugin icons. The number of icons and their sizes will depend on the plugin types you implement. For the speech-to-text plugin, we need the following icons:

  • The default plugin type requires a logo image. It is equal to the logo parameter from the package.json file. The logo will be displayed in the DocSpace plugin settings. The required icon size is 48x48 px. Otherwise, it will be compressed to this size.

    Plugin logo
  • The context menu plugin uses an icon on the Convert to text button. The required icon size is 16x16 px. Otherwise, it will be compressed to this size.

    Convert to text

    This icon can be also used for the main button icon. For example, in the plugin, the same icon is used for the context and main button menu.

    Main button icon

    The plugin also uses the specific file icon near the .drawio files, which are created with the file plugin type. The preferred icon size for the table format is 32x32 px.

    File icon

    In this plugin, the same file icon is also used for the tile view. But it is recommended to add another icon of the 96x96 px size in this case.

    File icon tile

Step 4. Configure the plugin's interface elements

If necessary, define the plugin's UI elements. Consult our Storybook to develop your plugin's UI.

For example, the plugin contains two main UI elements - the modal window and the diagram editor. Create the files for configuring each element. For your convenience, you can put these files into a separate DrawIO folder.

  • In the Dialog.ts file, configure the modal window settings. Specify the IFrame UI component that is used to embed the website into a modal window:

    export const frameProps: IFrame = {
    width: "100%",
    height: "100%",
    name: "test-drawio",
    src: "",

    Create the IBox container to add the iframe to it:

    const body: IBox = {
    widthProp: "100%",
    heightProp: "100%",

    children: [
    component: Components.iFrame,
    props: frameProps,

    Configure the modal window properties:

    export const drawIoModalDialogProps: IModalDialog = {
    dialogHeader: "",
    dialogBody: body,
    displayType: ModalDisplayType.modal,
    fullScreen: true,
    onClose: () => {
    const message: IMessage = {
    actions: [Actions.closeModal],
    return message
    onLoad: async () => {
    return {
    newDialogHeader: drawIoModalDialogProps.dialogHeader || "",
    newDialogBody: drawIoModalDialogProps.dialogBody,
    autoMaxHeight: true,
    autoMaxWidth: true,
  • In the Editor.ts file, configure the diagram editor. Create the DiagramEditor function with the following parameters:

    uistring"default"Defines the editor's ui theme.
    darkstring"auto"Defines the editor's dark theme.
    offbooleanfalseSpecifies if the offline mode is active or not.
    libbooleanfalseSpecifies if the libraries are enabled or not.
    langstring"auto"Defines the editor's language.
    urlstringhttps://embed.diagrams.netDefines the URL to the editor.
    showSaveButtonbooleantrueSpecifies if the Save button will be displayed in the editor.

    Then specify methods to work with diagrams:

    startEditingStarts the editor with the given data.
    getDataReturns the diagram's data.
    getTitleReturns the diagram's title.
    getFormatReturns the diagram's format.
    getFrameIdReturns the editor's frame ID.
    getFrameUrlReturns the URL to the iframe.
    handleMessageHandles the given message.
    initializeEditorPosts the load message to the editor.
    saveSaves the given data.

    The full code for the DiagramEditor can be found here.

Step 5. Create plugin types

Now that the default plugin is ready, you can start coding other plugin types.

Each plugin type has specific plugin items. Define the context menu item that will be displayed when you right-click on audio or video files:

export const contextMenuItem: IContextMenuItem = {
key: "speech-to-text-context-menu-item",
label: "Convert to text",
icon: "speech-to-text-16.png",
onClick: assemblyAI.speechToText,
fileType: [],
withActiveItem: true,
Context menu item

You can add more plugin types. For example, the plugin can be accessed from the main button menu, so we need to specify the main button item:

const mainButtonItem: IMainButtonItem = {
key: "draw-io-main-button-item",
label: "",
icon: "drawio.png",
onClick: (id: number) => {

const message: IMessage = {
actions: [Actions.showCreateDialogModal],
createDialogProps: {
title: "Create diagram",
startValue: "New diagram",
visible: true,
isCreateDialog: true,
extension: ".drawio",
onSave: async (e: any, value: string) => {
await drawIo.createNewFile(value)
onCancel: (e: any) => {
onClose: (e: any) => {
return message
// items: [createItem],

When the main button item is clicked, the modal window appears where you can type the diagram's name and open an empty .drawio file.

Create diagram

For the plugin, you also need to configure the file plugin type which works when the user opens the specific .drawio file:

  1. Define the file item that is represented as a file with the specific extension (.drawio) and icon:

    export const drawIoItem: IFileItem = {
    extension: ".drawio",
    fileTypeName: "Diagram",
    fileRowIcon: "drawio-32.svg",
    fileTileIcon: "drawio-32.svg",
    devices: [Devices.desktop],
  2. Define the onClick event which will execute the editDiagram method each time the .drawio file is opened:

    const onClick = async (item: File) => {
    return await drawIo.editDiagram(

    Drawio file

Step 6. Create the settings plugin type

Configure the settings plugin type to provide users with the administrator settings.

  1. Create a container where the plugin settings will be placed:

    const descriptionText: TextGroup = {
    component: Components.text,
    props: {
    text: "To generate API token visit",
    color: "#A3A9AE",
    fontSize: "12px",
    fontWeight: 400,
    lineHeight: "16px",

    const descGroup: BoxGroup = {
    props: {children: [descriptionText]},

    const parentBox: IBox = {
    displayProp: "flex",
    flexDirection: "column",
    // marginProp: "16px 0 0 0",
    children: [tokenGroup, descGroup],

    In the settings description, indicate that it is necessary to generate an API token in order to be able to work with the plugin.

  2. Configure the administrator settings with the ISettings object:

    const adminSettings: ISettings = {
    settings: parentBox,
    saveButton: userButtonComponent,
    onLoad: async () => {

    tokenInput.value = assemblyAI.apiToken

    if (!assemblyAI.apiToken) {
    return {
    settings: parentBox,


    return {settings: parentBox}

    Specify the onLoad event which defines which plugin settings will be displayed when the settins block is loaded.

Each settings item is determined in separate files (buttons, token).

Speech settings

Step 7. Create the main plugin code file

Create a file in the src folder with the main plugin code. This file is required.

Refer to the documentation of a third-party service to write this code.

Let's see how the AssemblyAI.ts file is organized in detail:

  1. Define the AssemblyAI class with all the necessary variables and methods:

    Variables and their description


    Defines the API URL.

    apiURL = ""


    Defines the current file ID.

    const currentFileId: numbernull | number = null


    Defines the API token.

    apiToken = ""

    Methods and their description


    Creates the API URL.

    createAPIUrl = () => {
    const api = plugin.getAPI()

    this.apiURL = api.origin.replace(/\/+$/, "")

    const params = [api.proxy, api.prefix]

    if (this.apiURL) {
    for (const part of params) {
    if (!part) {
    const newPart = part.trim().replace(/^\/+/, "")
    if (newPart) {
    if (this.apiURL.length !== 0 && this.apiURL[this.apiURL.length - 1] === "/") {
    this.apiURL += newPart
    } else {
    this.apiURL += `/${newPart}`


    Sets the API URL.

    setAPIUrl = (url: string) => {
    this.apiURL = url


    Retuns the API URL.

    getAPIUrl = () => {
    return this.apiURL


    Sets the API token.

    setAPIToken = (apiToken: string) => {
    this.apiToken = apiToken


    Returns the API token.

    getAPIToken = () => {
    return this.apiToken


    Fetches the API token.

    fetchAPIToken = async () => {
    const apiToken = localStorage.getItem("speech-to-text-api-token")

    if (!apiToken) {



    Saves the API token.

    saveAPIToken = (apiToken: string) => {
    localStorage.setItem("speech-to-text-api-token", apiToken)

    let status
    if (apiToken) {
    status =
    } else {
    status = PluginStatus.hide


    Sets the ID to the current file.

    setCurrentFileId = (id: number | null) => {
    this.currentFileId = id


    Uploads a file which will be transcribed.

    uploadFile = async (apiToken: string, path: string, data: Blob) => {
    console.log(`Uploading file: ${path}`)

    const url = ""

    try {
    const response = await fetch(url, {
    method: "POST",
    body: data,
    headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/octet-stream",
    "Authorization": apiToken,

    if (response.status === 200) {
    const responseData = await response.json()
    return responseData["upload_url"]
    console.error(`Error: ${response.status} - ${response.statusText}`)
    return null
    } catch (error) {
    console.error(`Error: ${error}`)
    return null


    Transcribes the audio file.

    transcribeAudio = async (apiToken: string, audioUrl: string) => {
    console.log("Transcribing audio... This might take a moment.")

    const headers = {
    "authorization": apiToken,
    "content-type": "application/json",
    const response = await fetch("", {
    method: "POST",
    body: JSON.stringify({audioUrl}),

    const responseData = await response.json()
    const transcriptId =

    const pollingEndpoint = `${transcriptId}`

    while (true) {
    const pollingResponse = await fetch(pollingEndpoint, {headers})
    const transcriptionResult = await pollingResponse.json()

    if (transcriptionResult.status === "completed") {
    return transcriptionResult
    } else if (transcriptionResult.status === "error") {
    throw new Error(`Transcription failed: ${transcriptionResult.error}`)
    } else {
    await new Promise((resolve) => {
    setTimeout(resolve, 3000)


    Implements the plugin work.

    speechToText = async (id: number) => {
    if (!this.apiToken) {


    if (!this.apiURL) {

    const response = await fetch(`${this.apiURL}/files/file/${id}`)
    const data = await response.json()
    const {viewUrl, title, folderId, fileExst} = data.response

    const file = await fetch(viewUrl)

    const fileBlob = await file.blob()

    const uploadUrl = await this.uploadFile(this.apiToken, viewUrl, fileBlob)

    const transcript = await this.transcribeAudio(this.apiToken, uploadUrl)

    const blob = new Blob([transcript.text], {
    type: "text/plain;charset=UTF-8",

    const newFile = new File([blob], "blob", {
    type: "",

    const formData = new FormData()
    formData.append("file", newFile)

    const newTitle = `${title.replaceAll(fileExst, "")} text`

    try {
    const sessionRes = await fetch(
    method: "POST",
    headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json;charset=utf-8",
    body: JSON.stringify({
    createOn: new Date(),
    fileName: `${newTitle}.txt`,
    fileSize: newFile.size,
    relativePath: "",
    const response = await sessionRes.json()
    const sessionData =

    const data = await fetch(`${sessionData.location}`, {
    method: "POST",
    body: formData,

    const jsonData = await data.json()
    const {id: fileId} =

    return fileId
    } catch (e) {

    return {
    actions: [Actions.showToast],
    toastProps: [{type: ToastType.success, title: ""}],
    } as IMessage
  2. Declare the AssemblyAI class instance:

    const assemblyAI = new AssemblyAI()
  3. Export the created plugin instance:

    export default assemblyAI